Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
Hello Waiss, here is the drawing, you may have to press F5 on your computer to update browser and see the new picture also in about 10 days let me know if Left hand swing-in. If this is what you want confirm by paying for it and I will start production within 24 hours.
Waiss Kader <> 11/5/13
to me
Hello Oscar, the doors upstairs will have an arch frame also. I will get you the drawing today. But the door is exactly what we want with an arch frame.
Prefab Granite Depot Inc.
Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
OK, great, I will wait for the drawing.
Thank You
Oscar Almaguer
Swiss K <> 11/7/13
to me
Hello oscar, I appologise I don’t have a printer at home so I have not had the time to print the picture. But that is the door I want. The only thing is all the doors upstairs are arch frame also on top please move forward once we get the door I will pay you for the doors made and a deposited for the rest at the same time .
Waiss Kader Prefab import dept <> Attachments11/12/13
to me
please make the doors upstairs arched. including the ones you are making.
Thank You,
Waiss Kader, President
Prefab Granite Depot
8400 Miramar Road, San Diego, Ca, 92126
(858) 717-4321
Attachments area
Preview attachment Single-Arched-doorWaiss_small.png
Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
Hello I am not making any doors at the moment, I started making a double arched door for the door opening I measured and you later confirm for me and you have not even offered an acknowledgment.
What I can do is to obtain a drawing with confirmation of the Arch dimensions, weather segmented or a fixed radius arch, but a simple paper pattern must do before I make another door.
The situation for me is changing and as of now I am 6 to 8 weeks from any job completion specially with carving involved, I am committed to new projects and there are some quotes out, I don’t mind making you the custom door at COD condition as you proposed.
Go ahead and send the pattern via priority or express mail to the office address in Los Angeles. see “about us” in your web page. I have a truck coming to the factory on Thursday. I can have the single round door or all doors if you follow the payment contract on your page delivered by January 10 2014.
Waiss Kader <> 11/13/13
to me
That shouls be fine, but I need meny doora not one or two, do you want me to make a templete for all the doors? That will be in convenient. I can go ahead and give you the template for the first two. Or if you want toake a drawing I can sign and send back. And get you a deposite.
Waiss Kader <> 11/13/13
to me
I need this sooner then janury is there anything we can do to expedite this.
Waiss Kader <> 11/13/13
to me
You have my e mail on the rough openings, I can make a teplete today but I need all the doors so I will dbl need to meet with you so we can go over everything.
Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
Hello Waiss, when I went I saw openings with square frames.
Are all the frames arched now? if they are have Luis or your installer make the paper patterns, usually the same thick paper used to protect floors, it takes maybe a couple of hours to do all 30 doors. this way You cannot go wrong.
If they aren’t done, I suggest “radius arched” where as in a standard 36 x 84 door frame will have a 18″radius top or a 30″ x 84″ will have 15″ radius.
This system makes it safe for me build the doors without patterns and simple for you to install.
Thank You
Oscar Almaguer
Waiss Kader Prefab import dept <> 11/13/13
to me
I think the radius idea is great. We will do as you say.
Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
Hello Waiss, I got the list with dimensions on the frames openings,do I assume doors not listed as “Arched” will be square or will they be arched? doors 1- 22 +
New single carved door with arch top
Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
Hello Waiss, here is the drawing, you may have to press F5 on your computer to update browser and see the new picture also in about 10 days let me know if Left hand swing-in. If this is what you want confirm by paying for it and I will start production within 24 hours.
Waiss Kader <> 11/5/13
to me
Hello Oscar, the doors upstairs will have an arch frame also. I will get you the drawing today. But the door is exactly what we want with an arch frame.
Prefab Granite Depot Inc.
Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
OK, great, I will wait for the drawing.
Thank You
Oscar Almaguer
Swiss K <> 11/7/13
to me
Hello oscar, I appologise I don’t have a printer at home so I have not had the time to print the picture. But that is the door I want. The only thing is all the doors upstairs are arch frame also on top please move forward once we get the door I will pay you for the doors made and a deposited for the rest at the same time .
Waiss Kader Prefab import dept <> Attachments11/12/13
to me
please make the doors upstairs arched. including the ones you are making.
Thank You,
Waiss Kader, President
Prefab Granite Depot
8400 Miramar Road, San Diego, Ca, 92126
(858) 717-4321
Attachments area
Preview attachment Single-Arched-doorWaiss_small.png
Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
Hello I am not making any doors at the moment, I started making a double arched door for the door opening I measured and you later confirm for me and you have not even offered an acknowledgment.
What I can do is to obtain a drawing with confirmation of the Arch dimensions, weather segmented or a fixed radius arch, but a simple paper pattern must do before I make another door.
The situation for me is changing and as of now I am 6 to 8 weeks from any job completion specially with carving involved, I am committed to new projects and there are some quotes out, I don’t mind making you the custom door at COD condition as you proposed.
Go ahead and send the pattern via priority or express mail to the office address in Los Angeles. see “about us” in your web page. I have a truck coming to the factory on Thursday. I can have the single round door or all doors if you follow the payment contract on your page delivered by January 10 2014.
Hacienda Rustica <>
Waiss Kader <> 11/13/13
to me
That shouls be fine, but I need meny doora not one or two, do you want me to make a templete for all the doors? That will be in convenient. I can go ahead and give you the template for the first two. Or if you want toake a drawing I can sign and send back. And get you a deposite.
Waiss Kader <> 11/13/13
to me
I need this sooner then janury is there anything we can do to expedite this.
Waiss Kader <> 11/13/13
to me
You have my e mail on the rough openings, I can make a teplete today but I need all the doors so I will dbl need to meet with you so we can go over everything.
Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
Hello Waiss, when I went I saw openings with square frames.
Are all the frames arched now? if they are have Luis or your installer make the paper patterns, usually the same thick paper used to protect floors, it takes maybe a couple of hours to do all 30 doors. this way You cannot go wrong.
If they aren’t done, I suggest “radius arched” where as in a standard 36 x 84 door frame will have a 18″ radius top or a 30″ x 84″ will have 15″ radius.
This system makes it safe for me build the doors without patterns and simple for you to install.
Thank You
Oscar Almaguer
Waiss Kader Prefab import dept <> 11/13/13
to me
I think the radius idea is great. We will do as you say.
Hacienda Rustica <>
to Waiss
Hello Waiss, I got the list with dimensions on the frames openings,do I assume doors not listed as “Arched” will be square or will they be arched? doors 1- 22 +
Nov 17 (1 day ago)
to Waiss
Here is the quote for all the new Carved doors, more and larger sizes then original list.
Usually the final customer or your client takes care of this payments.
I will contact you immediately after deposit to go over each door as I need to order ASAP 16K worth of custom shop Alder wood and set up a team of carvers not easy nowadays. Waiss, the ball is in your court.
I will add the drawing for the double arched door.
Prices are based on same square footage as publish on our page for carved alder door, your design call for lost of extra molding on each door and arched frames, I am not adding extra for that and you are getting 20% discount
Waiss Kader
7:06 AM (7 hours ago)
to me
Hello Oscar
I dont understand the total price the reason wr got the price from you os orignally you quoted us much lower for the other door and it hadbmuch more carvings. Please give me a break down and work on lowering the price. I need you to look at my orignal bid and thats what we went off give or take couple thousand . We are not going to stop after this order we have much more furniture orders.
Hacienda Rustica <>
11:48 AM (2 hours ago)
to Waiss
The original quote had
1.- less doors
2.- sizes were smaller.
3.- non pre-hung.
4.- most significantly were not quoted as carved.
You can see the original quote
I made a carved door for another customer with your carving style, to show you that we can do the job.
Prices are based as the same square footage as our carved alder doors. We talked about this door and I gave you the cost.
Solid wood grape vine carved door 36″ x 78″ x 2″ FOB L.A. CA. “double face”
19.5 sq. ft. Alder $990.00 = 51 sq. ft.
Your door #1 80×32 for example is quoted at 18 sq ft x 51.00 = 918.00 + 250.00 prehung = 1,168.00 carved on both sides, with all the extra moldings as your design calls for, color stained, polyurethaned, delivered. All doors are based on the same numbers.
For the Arched doors, no extra charge for arched doors, arched moldings, arched pre-hung frames, arched interior and exterior moldings to math each individual door, from this price I am deducting 20% discount <233.60> = $934.40 Waiss I am 50% + bellow the market and with a great payment schedule.
My nearest discounted competitor in San Diego is $1,990.00 no carving plain door style, using 3/4″ pre-hung frame.
Look at other orders to people in the construction trade, no discount.
Thank You
Oscar Almaguer
For interior furniture, let me know, I will send you links to David Alessandro the owner of Sea World I can do amazing stuff. It is all about timing as I reject projects if I can not do customer’s schedule.
Feb 27
to me
Payments by PayPal
Powered by
You sent an invoice
Hello Hacienda Rustica.Com,
Your invoice (12.20.13.CA.2-B) was just sent to waiss kader. Please note that it may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.
See your invoice
Note to waiss kader
14 doors have been delivered, balance COD on rest of door as agreed, 6 doors will be delivered by Wednesday 3.5.14 and last doors 1 week later on 3.14.14 when 50% balance is due. I offered Waiss after installation I will personally check on all doors and moldings and apply a last coat of orange oil on all doors for final showroom touch at n/c.
Summary of your invoice
Sent to waiss kader
Sent from Hacienda Rustica.Com
Invoice number 12.20.13.CA.2-B
Date payment is due Feb 27, 2014
Amount $9,076.59 USD
See the invoice as your recipient sees it
Feb 3
to me
Hi Oscar,
Waiss asked me to let you know there are a few problems with the doors, specifically:
1) Doors are too heavy for the current hinges!
– they’ll need bigger hinges to support the weight
– and 3 hinges per door instead of 2 hinges per door
2) And he needs the casings for the doors pre-drilled for the hinges (check with Waiss on this one BEFORE drilling holes to be sure of placement!)
Feb 3
to me
Hi Oscar,
Waiss asked me to let you know there are a few problems with the doors, specifically:
1) Doors are too heavy for the current hinges!
– they’ll need bigger hinges to support the weight
– and 3 hinges per door instead of 2 hinges per door
2) And he needs the casings for the doors pre-drilled for the hinges (check with Waiss on this one BEFORE drilling holes to be sure of placement!)
Cat 🙂
Cat 🙂
Hello Hacienda Rustica.Com,
Your invoice (12.20.13.CA.2-B) was just sent to waiss kader. Please note that it may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.
See your invoice
Note to waiss kader
14 doors have been delivered, balance COD on rest of door as agreed, 6 doors will be delivered by Wednesday 3.5.14 and last doors 1 week later on 3.14.14 when 50% balance is due. I offered Waiss after installation I will personally check on all doors and moldings and apply a last coat of orange oil on all doors for final showroom touch at n/c.
Summary of your invoice
Sent to waiss kader
Sent from Hacienda Rustica.Com
Invoice number 12.20.13.CA.2-B
Date payment is due Feb 27, 2014
Amount $9,076.59 USD
Hello Hacienda Rustica.Com,
Your invoice (12.20.13.CA.2-B) was just sent to waiss kader. Please note that it may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.
See your invoice
Note to waiss kader
14 doors have been delivered, balance COD on rest of door as agreed, 6 doors will be delivered by Wednesday 3.5.14 and last doors 1 week later on 3.14.14 when 50% balance is due. I offered Waiss after installation I will personally check on all doors and moldings and apply a last coat of orange oil on all doors for final showroom touch at n/c.
Summary of your invoice
Sent to waiss kader
Sent from Hacienda Rustica.Com
Invoice number 12.20.13.CA.2-B
Date payment is due Feb 27, 2014
Amount $9,076.59 USD
Mar 4
to me
Hi Oscar,
Waiss and I have been trying to get ahold of you by phone but are having no luck. Waiss wants to pay by check, what’s the total on the 25% progress payment so I can cut the check? Or should I just make it out for $8404.25?
And did you want to stop here at Prefab and pick it up? Or meet Waiss at Via Capri to discuss the door casings and pick it up there? If you’re in a hurry, I figure you probably won’t want to me mail it.
Regarding the door casings – he’d like 3″ casings with some detailing- I”ll email you some pics as soon as Waiss gets them to me.
Call or email asap!
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Hacienda Rustica <>
To: Waiss Kader Prefab import dept <> Sent: Tuesday, March 4, 2014 11:21 AM
Subject: Re:
Hello Waiss, if you can give me specs on the larger casings with some nice details I will appreciate it or have your installer fax them to me.
I made the 1st half of doors with the most common sizes, some are for upstairs and some for downstairs.
The remainder doors are mostly done but I will do whatever you ask, please make the agreed progress payment ASAP and I will deliver more doors and meet with your installer ASAP. I am getting heat from boss.
Thank You
Oscar Almaguer
ps I will send you link again shortly.
On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Waiss Kader Prefab import dept <> wrote:
Hello Oscar,
I wanted to touch base with you regarding the doors. The downstairs doors are good with small casing
but the larger ones for the upstairs we will need larger casings with some nice details. Please e mail me back regarding this. As for the glass you said you would send me some pictures.
By the way do you know any person that does garage doors.
Thank You,
Waiss Kader, President
Prefab Granite Depot
8400 Miramar Road, San Diego, Ca, 92126
(858) 717-4321
Hacienda Rustica <>
Mar 5
to cat
Hi Cat, sorry today has been busy, just made it home. No problem I am in no hurry you can mail it, however Credit/Debit Card or Check Payment will incur in CA Tax.
As I mention to you a straight deposit or transfer to the Bank of America in the name of HaciendaRustica will save you the taxes.
I will continue with the order a few days after 2 week due progress payment clear the bank.
May 2
to cat
Hello Cat, I am waiting for the importer to tell me how soon they can have the doors delivered in La Jolla, I think they can be there by tomorrow morning. I will confirm shortly within 30 minutes. The balance is $9,143.82 x 2 = $18,287.64
I received deposit on 12.20.13 for $9,143.82, progress payment on 3.6.14 for $9,143.82. You may pay the balance in the same form as you have or have a Cashier’s check ready for the driver. Please confirm you are ready for this.
You can confirm the doors in possession of the importer along with the U.S. Broker when I tell you, hopefully today.
Than You
Oscar Almaguer
ps I will call you shortly within the hour.
Hacienda Rustica <>
May 2
to cat
Hello Cat, OK they said Monday afternoon delivery to La Jolla, or if you prefer Tuesday morning, must let me know this morning please.
Thank You
Oscar Almaguer
May 2
to me
Hi Oscar,
Waiss said he talked to you about this, and Monday afternoon delivery is OK as long as it is BEFORE 3pm, because there’s no one at the jobsite after 3pm to accept delivery. If they can’t do delivery before 3pm on Monday, it will have to be Tuesday morning.
Could you let me know which works best for the delivery company so I can let the jobsite supervisor (Sergio) know when to expect it?
Hacienda Rustica <>
AttachmentsMay 2
to cat
Hello Cat, I talked to Waiss and agreed to get delivery scheduled for Monday so doors will be picked tomorrow morning from the factory.
He asked me to hold a balance of 2,000.00 until all doors are installed. I will send you a copy of the Invoice (see attachment) for your records this payment is due before delivery.
The Garage door is separate deal delivery the following week. Balance is due when operation is tested.
OK I got your message confirming Waiss conversation, If it can not be delivered Monday before 1 pm it will be there Tuesday AM.
Please remind him about Payment if doors are in the truck waiting approval of delivery, doors may get damaged when unloaded and loaded again.
May 2
to me
Hi Oscar,
I thought you and Waiss had sorted this out- payment will be made on delivery, not before. How’s this for a compromise since you’re both jittery about this:
1. Send the doors for delivery.
2. When the doors arrive at the jobsite, the jobsite manager (Sergio) will count and confirm the full order of remaining doors are on the truck.
3. Sergio can call me here at the office when he confirms the correct amount, and I’ll make the paypal payment of $16,287.64 online.
4. Then you can release the doors to be unloaded as soon as you get the paypal confirmation.
5. Finally, the remaining $2,000.00 will be paid by paypal or cashier’s check once installation is complete.
That way Waiss knows he’s getting the full order, you know you’ve been paid, there’s no chance of damage to the doors for unloading/reloading, and everyone has assurance the other is keeping up their end of the agreement.
May 6
to me
You received a payment
Transaction ID: 510527243D549874J
Dear Hacienda Rustica.Com,
Thanks for using PayPal. To see all the transaction details, log in to your PayPal account.
See your invoice
It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.
waiss kader
Note from customer
Shipping address – confirmed
waiss kader
8400 miramar road #110
san diego, CA 92126
United States
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Payment on doors, 2,000.00 final balance pending-payment for balance on custom doors, $2,000.00 pending until all doors installed. The balance is $9,143.82 x 2 = $18,287.64 less $2,000.00 as security for Customer until all interior doors are installed. Garage door a separated deal. ( 50% deposit /balance Deposit paid) see details $16,287.64 1 $16,287.64
Subtotal $16,287.64
Shipping and handling $0.00
san diego 8% $1,303.01
Total $17,590.65 USD
Invoice ID 5.02.14.CA.02
to me
Hello Oscar, we need about 30 door casings and 2 doors short and the garage door ASAP please. Our guys are trying to work with the pocket door now.
——– Original message ——–
From: Hacienda Rustica
Date:05/29/2014 10:42 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: prefabimports
Subject: Re: Lighting quote
Tomorrow pictures of finished door with stain and polyurethane.
On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Hacienda Rustica <> wrote:
OK my friend, door carpentry and carving is done I saw it today. “a well made and very nice carving, no less then carving on doors, my wife is got to be impressed as I love her beyond her knowledge” then you showed me a hi def picture of a door carving from one of the delivered doors. man is that pressure…
The garage door carving was made considering a comment from the carver himself a 3rd generation Carver maybe 4th or 5th, young guy with 2 kids 4 and 6.
Delivery can be made Friday afternoon or Monday morning, must let me know ASAP. Pictures by today, unfinished and finished pictures by tomorrow ( they are long pieces that don’t make sense until put together, I will see what I can do).
Wrought Iron lamps: OK with price but lighting by your electrician.
LED systems are cheap in US, here are all brought in by smugglers with high % profits. But I can install to your Electrician’s specs and instructions, you buy the systems.
Mex 2 Israel 0 Let Sergio and tile guys know, they will enjoy,
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 7:13 PM, prefabimports <> wrote:
hello Oscar we were in waiting for the garage door today and for the pictures of not received anything wanna make sure everything is ok please give me an update because we need to close the garage because we are taking the fence down.
Jul 18
to cat, Waiss
Hello Cat, Waiss, I made a new page to show you the chronological aspect of your orders. You will be happy to know that the balance is less then you expect.
I am ready to delivery all this by Monday morning: Garage door, doors #32 and #33, plus 1 added accordion door for the MB bathroom. (all the extra moldings requested by Fran (door installer))
The Garage door new system takes 2 weeks as parts will be custom made by the largest manufacturer in Los Angeles, this upgrade will cost 820.00
Your total balance is $4,544.00.
You only need to pay $1,784.12 when doors are delivered Monday, and $2,760.00 when the Garage door is tested for perfect operation in about 2 weeks.
It is very important that you double check my numbers and contact me ASAP so that I can pay now and order the special order for the garage hardware. ( 2 weeks for hardware delivery from order date)
click on next link
Thank You
Oscar Almaguer
Jul 21
to me
Hi Oscar,
Waiss said he talked to you about this on Saturday when I was off. What’s the delivery time on Monday?
And he needs you to come in to the office so you can go over the order changes together.
Hacienda Rustica <>
Jul 22
to cat
Hi Cat, delivery will be tomorrow, having a little problem with transport/exporter I think I sent you a link on Friday, please review, the original quote is there as well. Please double check.
updated link.
Jul 22
to me
Hi Oscar,
Waiss said to let you know whatever is owed will be paid, but please deliver the material right away as the project has been on hold for a considerable time. We reviewed the link you sent and Waiss has some questions, so you will need to come into the office to go over the orders with him.
——– Original message ——– From: Hacienda Rustica <> Date:07/25/2014 1:29 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Waiss Kader Prefab import dept <>, Cc: Subject: We can meet next week and go over the numbers I will take my notes, please pay what is on the ticket on your page for now $1,782.12 you will have close to $3,000.00 in your favor. The driver for the Importer company just got fired, because I want to believe Sergio that driver never asked to confirm payment as I had clearly requested.
——– Original message ——–
From: Hacienda Rustica <>
Date:07/25/2014 1:29 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Waiss Kader Prefab import dept <>,
We can meet next week and go over the numbers I will take my notes, please pay what is on the ticket on your page for now $1,782.12 you will have close to $3,000.00 in your favor. The driver for the Importer company just got fired, because I want to believe Sergio that driver never asked to confirm payment as I had clearly requested.
Aug 5
![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Aug 19
to me
Hi Oscar,
Per Waiss see below- the responses we’re getting regarding the installation are troubling him.
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Garage Door Installation Quote
From: Mark Christopher <>
Date: Tue, August 19, 2014 11:51 am
To: “” <>
Hi Cat,
After looking at the garage door that you want installed, we have decided not to quote the job. We’re concerned about the thinness of the door, the lack of stiles to mount the interior hinges and since the interior of the door is not flush, the metal interior struts would not sit flush with the sections. Overtime, the door may start to crack.
Mark Christopher
Garage Door Enterprises / Garage Door Medics
5319 Grant St.
San Diego, Ca 92110
619. 234-8093
Fax: 619. 234-8217
Hacienda Rustica <>
Aug 19
to cat
Your boss should have honor an agreement.
Hacienda Rustica <>
Sep 2
to Waiss
That is actually funny, if the side rails are perfectly leveled as they should, the pull from the middle balance half of the 2HP motor, will drag the balanced weight of the 6 hardwood panels from 5 evenly distanced pulls, which aligns the panels at every 60″ for a perfect up and down movement for years to come. In addition you still have the factory recommended tempered steel springs to adjust to a perfect balance.
On the subject of doors that don’t flush, your front doors did no flushed and by much, 2 carpenters shaved off .75 of an inch to the top right exterior and inside left interior, place a level or a yard stick and enjoy the gaps they are visible on the top jams outside and inside.
Those are the doors I did not make for you.
If a third party installer needs more stiles buy a $12.00 wood board from Home Depot cut it in 10 small squares, glue them to the panels and then screw them in with 4 1.25″ screws and you will have 2 more rows of stiles.
However You will be forced to pay more by the garage door medics or anyone who would want to be liable for a heavy hardwood garage door job that was not manufactured by them. You well deserve it.
If you want recommendations from picky home owners of the same garage door style that we manufactured for you, let me know.
Expect a letter from my attorney.
Oscar Almaguer
red numbers                                                 They lied to the driver telling him all was paid after making him wait over 45 mins.
Hacienda Rustica <>
AttachmentsJul 25
to Waiss, cat
I asked for this amount to be paid on delivery
Attachments area
Preview attachment RED-INK-Waiss.jpg
RED-INK-Waiss.jpg via                                                          decision date on Garage style
Apr 27
to me
waiss shared the photo “Mediterranean Style Home in Laguna Niguel, CA | Dynamic Custom Wood Garage Doors” with you on Houzz.
You can sign up or sign in and view the photo at
Aug 19
to me
Hi Oscar,
Per Waiss see below- the responses we’re getting regarding the installation are troubling him.
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Garage Door Installation Quote
From: Mark Christopher <>
Date: Tue, August 19, 2014 11:51 am
To: “” <>
Hi Cat,
After looking at the garage door that you want installed, we have decided not to quote the job. We’re concerned about the thinness of the door, the lack of stiles to mount the interior hinges and since the interior of the door is not flush, the metal interior struts would not sit flush with the sections. Overtime, the door may start to crack.
Mark Christopher
Garage Door Enterprises / Garage Door Medics
5319 Grant St.
San Diego, Ca 92110
619. 234-8093
Fax: 619. 234-8217
Hacienda Rustica <>
Aug 19
to cat
Your boss should have honor an agreement.
Hacienda Rustica <>
Sep 2
to Waiss
That is actually funny, if the side rails are perfectly leveled as they should, the pull from the middle balance half of the 2HP motor, will drag the balanced weight of the 6 hardwood panels from 5 evenly distanced pulls, which aligns the panels at every 60″ for a perfect up and down movement for years to come. In addition you still have the factory recommended tempered steel springs to adjust to a perfect balance.
On the subject of doors that don’t flush, your front doors did no flushed and by much, 2 carpenters shaved off .75 of an inch to the top right exterior and inside left interior, place a level or a yard stick and enjoy the gaps they are visible on the top jams outside and inside.
Those are the doors I did not make for you.
If a third party installer needs more stiles buy a $12.00 wood board from Home Depot cut it in 10 small squares, glue them to the panels and then screw them in with 4 1.25″ screws and you will have 2 more rows of stiles.
However You will be forced to pay more by the garage door medics or anyone who would want to be liable for a heavy hardwood garage door job that was not manufactured by them. You well deserve it.
If you want recommendations from picky home owners of the same garage door style that we manufactured for you, let me know.
Expect a letter from my attorney.
Oscar Almaguer